Random Murmurings

Like the title says.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I've been Gizoogled!

One of my favourite podcasts is StupidChurchPeople. Today I was over at the blogsite, checking to see that the boys were still alive, it having been weeks since a 'cast. I was reading the latest entry when (in the comments) I came across Gizoogle - what a hoot!

For your edification, here is the previous entry from the blog, gizoogled:

Of mud n men...
Heard an interest'n quote on tha radio today n shit. A fellow loosely quoted Jizzy Calvin as ho-slappin' "If we were mizzy of tha shiznit of stars, we might have sum-m sum-m of worth, but actually we is not made of tha shiznit of stars - we is mizzle of mud if you gots a paper stack. And we have not jiznust mud in our shoes, mud on our clothes, n mud on our faces, but mud in our hearts n mud in our souls."

Of course tha irony is thizzat any cosmolizzles will tell you that actually we *are* made of tha shiznit of stars cuz this is how we do it. The carbon we is made of (and tha mud too fo` thizzay matta!) is mizzy from elements which can only be bizzle in tha heart of stars n shot out ta tha cosmos whizzen they die in spectacizzles supernovae.

This gots me gang bangin': is it only that we need a new metaphor, ta bring Calvin up-to-date scientifically? Or is it perhaps time fo` a new n more optimistic theolizzles anthropology - one which moves beyond an obsession wit sin n guilt, n rejoices in our status as children of tha stars?
I'm a bit worried about the gang bangin'... but maybe that's just my obsession wit sin n guilt n shit ;)


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