Random Murmurings

Like the title says.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Post-modernism once again

My friend Niall recently wrote about critical realism as an alternative to postmodernism. This seems to have been triggered by a concern that post-modernism was a philosophically incoherent mish-mash and not well thought of in academic circles. But I'm not too sure that the disdain of philosophers is relevant to the use of post-modernism as an identifier. You see my own take is that post-modernism is a cultural phenomenon more than it is a philosophical. Post-modernism refers primarily (ISTM) to the cultural shift which is simply responding to what started happening in philosophy as far back as Kant.

So if you want to call yourself post-modern, do so and academics be damned!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen - totally agree I tend to make the distinction between postmodernity - the cultural phenomenon and postmodernism - the philosophical/design ideology

6:01 pm  

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